Whether you want to test your skills, or if you like to have a goal to work towards, or stepping stones used as a guide to your progress or if you just want a certificate to show off to your friends then taking exams could be the way for you.
I am the Nuneaton representative for the London College of Music.
The London College of Music is part of The University of West London, and holds exam sessions throughout the world.
The qualifications are recognised by Ofqual (the Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator) and the corresponding organisations in Wales and Northern Ireland. From grade 6 upwards passes in the exams will also give UCAS points.
The exams are available across many different subjects and are suited to all levels of ability.
Exams are held in Bedworth twice a year - Summer and Winter - usually at the Bedworth Methodist Church, which is a lovely venue especially for Music Theatre students, because it has a small stage which is a perfect performing area.
Please contact me if you would like further details on London College of Music exams.
Ciaran who achieved a distinction in Music Theatre Grade 8......now working towards his Diploma
Isabelle with her Grade 2 Music Theatre distinction......straight on to working on her Grade 3
Evie with her distinction for her very first piano exam
Even though restrictions were in place during 2020 we still managed to hold two face to face exam sessions in Bedworth, in between lockdowns.
Then in 2021 we were able to hold our normal sessions in Summer and Winter.
Here are 3 successful students from the Winter 2021 session.

2022 has seen the start of a new London College of Music piano syllabus.